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Utopia Boot Disc (1.5Mb)
Utopia Boot Disc NFO (2.9Kb)

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Soul Calibur Manual(PDF)

an underground hacking group has broken sega dreamcast's protections and is now distributing pirated games that can be played directly on the dreamcast console with no modifications. the utopia group posted the dreamcast bootcd v1.1 loading software and several games online in late june, and more games are showing up on the web every day (already up to 18 last week), including evolution 2, marvel vs. capcom 2, and dead or alive 2.
illegal game copying cost the gaming companies $3.2 billion in 1998, but most console hacks require special “mod” chips to play the games (e.g., for sony playstation). sega tried to beat the copying by using “gd-roms,” a proprietary compression technology that allowed the company to store over 1 gb of game information on a cd. sega hoped that the size (which is more than standard cd-roms can hold) and other hardware and software anti-piracy protections would stop the illegal copying. but the company admits that the protective measures had a loophole (which it claims is now fixed) which allowed utopia to get in and begin the feeding frenzy. while many dreamcast games still won't fit onto the standard 650 mb of a cd-rom, the illegal copies often leave out “unessential” features like the soundtrack.
sega says it will do whatever it can to stop the websites that are distributing bootcd and the pirated games, though it also claims that it's not too worried since it feels the hack won't work on its newest games.
for more information, please see cnet.
sam's opinion
like i said earlier this week in my asp news item, hackers and crackers always amaze me with what they can get into. i remember watching someone order a mod chip for a sony playstation console right off the web (some german site, if i remember correctly) and being amazed at how simple it was to buy and install. now people just need a decent 'net connection and a cd-rom burner to experience lots of new dreamcast games. the cnet article is funny because it's totally obvious that sega is worried but is trying to downplay the whole thing. sony's been fighting the websites that pirate its games, and apparently hasn't been making a lot of headway on the web.
the article does mention that a lot of gaming companies are toying with moving towards an online, subscription-based game distribution model to try to avoid these hacks. i'm sure someone will figure out how to break that system as well. software evolution in action, folks :)
this bootcd hack might be one of the reasons that the dreamcast was on some analysts' list of endangered gaming consoles, though. i remember wondering why sega was listed as being in danger when i first read that news item … it makes more sense now, especially seeing how this hack doesn't require much effort at all and no hardware installation or tweaking, which is what scares a lot of would-be illegal-game-users into not bothering.
user comments (290 comments)
hardly a nightmare. (1:15pm est wed jul 05 2000)
oh please, piracy will continue to plague every console that comes out. unless of course nintendo comes out with another cartridge based system =p sony's new dvd games will be a lot easier to crack because of the common format. and these articles never mention the reason that most people get mods, i.e. to play import games, which still supports the companies.
everyone is so quick to down the dreamcast when the ps2 isn't even out in america yet. this is going to be a battle, like the genesis vs snes; don't give up on sega yet. with a great price tag, *original* titles like shenmue and seaman, and online gaming with phantasy star online, sony has nothing on them.
– adam ([email protected]) – by adam edwards
psx (2:08pm est wed jul 05 2000)
perhaps the popularity of the original playstation is due in part to the mod chip phenomenon? – by sean
www.techhack.com (2:21pm est wed jul 05 2000)
get your dc fix at
www.techhack.com – by jankdvd
dc copying (2:43pm est wed jul 05 2000)
to me the copied dc games seem like crap since they are not the complete game (missing soundtrack, etc.) i regularly copy psx games and they work perfectly. sega seems to have effectively blocked copying by using non-standard media (gd-rom). although games can be copied, the full experience can only come with buying (or renting) the game. so i don't see this as another great way to pirate stuff. it seems more like the way movies are currently being pirated on the web (divx), which is pretty crappy. now i can't wait for psx2 and dvd-r. i'm sure no matter what sony does, its scheme will be broken in no time (although it might already be broken).
ps – nintendo 64 games can also be copied with a device like doctor64 or z64. – by james
alternative piracy prevention (6:56pm est wed jul 05 2000)
i just read an interesting article by sean dugan in the back of the may 1st issue of infoworld. it was about the music industry vs. napster. some of the points made in this article reminded me of the game industry, and what companies could do to help discourage individuals from software pirating.
for one thing, most people are more likely to buy a game when something such as a promotional t-shirt, or an original piece of artwork comes with it. this adds to the consumer's perceived value of their purchase – in other words, more bang for their buck. major pirates (hk distributors, etc.) aren't going to give you that cool metal gear solid, final fantasy, or resident evil t-shirt with your pirated game. if companies started packaging cool little sd characters or vehicles with their games, or allowing you to mail in upc's for bonus items, etc. individual consumers would be less likely to pirate the game. perhaps someone (maybe this site) should do a poll to see if consumers would still pirate a game that they really want if added value such as a toy, artwork or shirt came only with the storebought copy. and all of the above doesn't even take into account the beautiful artwork included with some game manuals. what kind of sense would it make to take the effort to scan & re-print such artwork? it wouldn't look as good anyway.
so, in opinion, these are some positive avenues that companies could pursue in order to deter piracy. maybe it would be more cost efficient for companies to eliminate the consumer's desire to pirate or buy pirated copies through positive means, instead of spending millions trying to track down & bust all of these pirates, or come up with new way to “prevent piracy,” when it seems that the pirates always find a way around the protection anyway. – by tlb
piracy here to stay (10:43pm est wed jul 05 2000)
pirating is here to stay regardless of what companys do. companys may be able to reduce it but will never rid it because there is too many poor people who can't afford to pay $60 for a game that loses its entertainment value after a couple of days or weeks, not to mention the games the just flat out suck and have no entertainment value.
i've used lots of pirated games on both the pc and the playstation but i do pay for the games i know i will enjoy or at least know what i can expect.
the addition of extra items will work for a few years but then consumers will start to realize that the extra item isn't worth the $60 bucks either and will go back to pirating. besides, most companys that add stuff to games (or even movies) also raise the price $10-20 and call it a “collectors edition”(who knows? maybe a windows os will actually come with a manual for a mere $100 extra)
p.s. anyone who claims to use a psx mod chip to play only imports is full of shit.
by tret
www.techhack.com (1:35am est thu jul 06 2000)
dc games cracked at techhack.
www.techhack.com – by divx
this will boost dc sales (3:20am est thu jul 06 2000)
pc games are the easiest to copy but they still make good money – by duhdude
copied dc games (4:43am est thu jul 06 2000)
i personally have tried copied dc games at a friends house and they run perfectly (and there is also an option to speed up gameplay!)… i wonder how those geeks did that!! ;) – by aa
dc + pirating. (10:11am est sat jul 08 2000)
i agree with both adam and james. also, i love video games and i really like the dc. i feel it's the best system ever created by sega. i don't particularly like sega because of what they have done in the past with their previous hardware, but i being a gamer, feel that they deserve a lot of credit this time. they are actually trying to support their system, instead of giving up on it like in the past. i wish sega the best, because the dc kicks major arse! i like sony's psx as well, but the psx 2? well, we will just have to see what comes of it. and as tret said, pirating is here to stay. only a true gamer/collector will pay $60 for a game, but at the same time will play it (if possible) in a pirated form before deciding whether or not to add it to their collection. – by william foster
dc + pirating. (10:12am est sat jul 08 2000)
i agree with both adam and james. also, i love video games and i really like the dc. i feel it's the best system ever created by sega. i don't particularly like sega because of what they have done in the past with their previous hardware, but i being a gamer, feel that they deserve a lot of credit this time. they are actually trying to support their system, instead of giving up on it like in the past. i wish sega the best, because the dc kicks major arse! i like sony's psx as well, but the psx 2? well, we will just have to see what comes of it. and as tret said, pirating is here to stay. only a true gamer/collector will pay $60 for a game (if they can afford it, otherwise wait until the price comes down), but at the same time will play it (if possible) in a pirated form before deciding whether or not to add it to their collection. – by william foster
dreamcast and pirating (12:34pm est sun jul 09 2000)
i must say that i have no problem with pirating. sure, it's illegal and it's not really all that fair to the companies, but they make millions and charge so much for the games. i have no pirated anything to date, but i do plan to. although buying the game is much better for reason previously stated, i.e. instruction bookelt, nice case, nice art, and also, the cd looks a lot nicer, sometimes you just dont have the cash! sega has perfect right to waste money trying to stop piracy, which can never truly be stopped, and i don't blame or fault the for trying, but they really should realize they cannot solve much, if anything. – by drazhar
console piracy (8:49am est mon jul 10 2000)
james – the psx2 is sort of broken – you patch an image and swap it [after removing some kind of hardware lock from the dvd drive]
i'm actually not going to use it though – swapping sucks – going legit for psx2!
by otaku
dreamcast pirated games(11:00pm est sun sep 10 2000)
ive tried the copied versions, and they run like sh*t. they just don't measure up to the real thing. by bb
copying dc games(9:30pm est sat sep 23 2000)
cn someone out there please tell me how to copy dc
games like how to get the gd file from your dc.
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much. e-mail me by
looking at my name by [email protected]
copying dc games(9:34pm est sat sep 23 2000)
can someone out there please tell me how to copy
dc gameslike how to get the gd file from the dc
please e-mail me back at [email protected].
k12.wi.us by mike
dc info(6:03pm est mon oct 09 2000)
i would like to know where to get the copying software and how to copy dc games. if anyone knows please email me at : [email protected]
thanks by thediggler
copying dc games(10:21pm est wed oct 11 2000)
please someone tell me where to get the copying software and how to copy dc games.
want information how to burn dc(12:32pm est sat oct 14 2000)
please anyone of you would u please tell me how
do i burn a backup of dc and how to get those file to burn it.
by: [email protected] by edler
how to burn dc(5:41pm est sat oct 14 2000)
i have a burner but i wanted to know how to burn dc cd's by [email protected]
want to know how to copy dc(5:54pm est wed oct 18 2000)
i'll be more than happy, if sombody let me know where to find a software to burn copies of dc.
thank a ton.
e-mail me @ [email protected] by henry8
wher to get the program(12:00am est fri oct 20 2000)
i would like to know where to go to get the dc burning program so i can download it. by fernando
where to get the program(12:02am est fri oct 20 2000)
i would like to know where to go to get the dc burning program so i can download it. – by fernando????? by [email protected]
how to copy dc games(5:56pm est sun oct 22 2000)
can someone out there please tell me how to copy dc games
thank you so much. e-mail me by
looking at my name – by [email protected] by lawrence
please give me dreamcast burner!(8:53pm est sat oct 28 2000)
i will pay 50$ for a dreamcast burner. just e-mail me. [email protected] please! please please! by mikel
i know how to burn(4:49pm est mon oct 30 2000)
if you email my friend at [email protected] and just tell him where to go to get bad ass games he will tell you how to burn and a where to get the program by player
want to know how to copy dc (10:26am est wed nov 01 2000)
cn someone out there please tell me how to copy dc
games like how to get the gd file from your dc.
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much. e-mail me by [email protected] by james
help(5:55pm est sat nov 18 2000)
i have a burner but want to know how to burn dreamcast games by sd
back up dc games(11:50pm est sat nov 18 2000)
i am looking for some info on how i may be able to back up dc games. if anyone out there can help me please contact me at:[email protected] by curvball02
help!(6:55pm est mon nov 27 2000)
i also am looking for how to burn deamcast games e-mail me [email protected] by matthew
dvd mod chip(12:06am est thu nov 30 2000)
is there a mod chip available to make sega dreamcast play dvds how do i get it?? please email me at [email protected] by grie
dvd mod chip(12:06am est thu nov 30 2000)
is there a mod chip available to make sega dreamcast play dvds how do i get it?? please email me at [email protected] also how do i burn psone games i have a cd burner by grie
burning playstation games(6:17pm est thu nov 30 2000)
i would like also to know how to burn playstation games on my burner do you have to have special software for this
burning dream cast games(1:01am est sat dec 02 2000)
what software do i use to burn dc games? i already have the boot disc i just need some games. is it possible to rent the game then burn it and if so how. thanks for your time. by dominc
burning dreamcast games(10:37pm est sat dec 02 2000)
someone just tell me where can i get the software to burn dreamcast games…. [email protected] by jay
burning dreamcast games(3:54am est thu dec 07 2000)
someone please tell me how to copy dc and psx2 games. send me an e-mail to [email protected] by tmoney
lets trade info on copying dreamcast games(7:43pm est mon dec 11 2000)
i will tell you what software you need and where to download it if you tell me a site where you can download the games.
email me at [email protected] by slick
utopia cd(10:54pm est mon dec 11 2000)
will someone tell me where i can get the utopia cd so i can play burned games? thanks
p.s. there will be a reward by mando
need dreamcast games(1:00pm est tue dec 12 2000)
hello do anybody sell dc games?
e-mail me:[email protected] by alex
copying dreamcast games(3:57pm est tue dec 12 2000)
could someone please tell me where i can get the software to copy dreamcast games and how to copy them plaese i would be very chuffed. by dave
shit for brains(7:03pm est thu dec 14 2000)
fucken cheapskates go buy the fucken games for christ sake, by tenderloin
help(2:24pm est sun dec 17 2000)
can someone please tell me how to burn dc games
[email protected] by james
think before you steel(9:03pm est mon dec 18 2000)
some people dont realise what damages companies the most is cutting of profit margins on software only to get burned when they get pirated.
this is why system distributers suffer so much and go bankrupt. (ie: no new games ) by gota-irchi
help(11:18pm est tue dec 19 2000)
how do i get to go online with dreamcast for free if i dont have a cd burner? does any1 no another way? maybe tell me the information to put in for the dial up or email stuff?
email me at
[email protected] by too kool
preeze(11:31pm est wed dec 20 2000)
what program can i use to burn a dc boot disk? plz email me at [email protected] if you know. thx by ids3
how can i burn dreamcast games (12:27pm est thu dec 21 2000)
can some one tell how to burn the dreamcast games? e-mail me at [email protected] by steve
how to copy dc games(7:26pm est fri dec 22 2000)
can someone out there please tell me how to copy dc
games like how to get the gd file from your dc. i would appreciate it e-mail me at [email protected]
by mixx master
copying dreamcast games(3:37pm est sat dec 23 2000)
does anyone know how to copy dreamcast games? i have clone cd email me at [email protected] by tom
copying dc games(12:18pm est sun dec 24 2000)
please some one tell me what web site u can copy dc games,and do u know what to do to copy them. by mike
getting burner on the internet(12:20pm est sun dec 24 2000)
does anyone know how to get a cd burner on the internet by mike
my screen name (12:22pm est sun dec 24 2000)
[email protected] by mike
you all are losers(2:18am est tue dec 26 2000)
look at yourselves, retards.
by hoser
where can i download dreamcast games(6:52am est thu dec 28 2000)
i need to know where can i obtain dreamcast games in internet.
[email protected] by nemesis
lame(10:48am est thu dec 28 2000)
how many pleas are you people going to make? stop. ppppplllleeeeeeeaaaasssseeeee. by aa
how and what do you need to burn dc games?(6:29pm est thu dec 28 2000)
if anyone can ginve me some info on how to burn dc games and what u need plez e-mail me at
[email protected] thanks by ryan
sex!(11:55pm est thu jan 04 2001)
anyway, can someone tell me how to get a “ripped” dreamcast disc so i can get burning!… thanx
[email protected] by hart young
wheres the software(10:39am est sun jan 07 2001)
where can i get the software off the net so i can burn games if someone knows pleaz email me. and if u know a site in which u can download the games tell me that. thanx
my email is: [email protected] by mr_proggies2k@yahoo.
how to burn dc games(3:50pm est sun jan 07 2001)
can someone please e-mail me at [email protected] and tell me how to burn dc games??? by ziek
does any one know how to copy dreamcast games (6:01pm est tue jan 09 2001)
post me at [email protected]
please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by rocko
can somebody tell me hoe to burn dreamcast games(2:08am est wed jan 10 2001)
i really want to know how to burn dreamcast games so can somebody lease tell me how to??? my e-mail address is [email protected] thanx by wes
help(4:09pm est wed jan 10 2001)
how do you burn dreamcast games i have a mod chip and if i cant burn any games its a waste of $25 and one other thing if i download dreamcast roms adn put them on a cd will they work in my dreamcast and if so were can i find dc roms its almost inposable.
e-mail me at [email protected]
(p.s. make the subject charlie)
by charlie
boot disk dreamcast(12:09am est fri jan 12 2001)
i say a link that said you know your to go to get the boot disc to copy dreamcast games, so if you could please help.
ron [email protected]
by ron
bombardment of d/c related requests(9:50pm est sat jan 13 2001)
in light of the high volume of repeated questions relating to d/c copying and download sites for the games maybe this site should post some answers aswell as or instead of so many repeated annoying requests as i also need all of the above but …. would rather just find the answers here ( just seemed like a more logical way 2 me ) good luck all from london uk by tom__a__hawk
dreamcast copies(4:17pm est wed jan 17 2001)
how the hell do you copy dreamcast games
email me at [email protected] by matt
burn games(5:21pm est wed jan 17 2001)
can some tell were to go on the internet to copy dreamcast games by [email protected]
i know how to burn dreamcast games(10:37pm est wed jan 17 2001)
about 4 days ago my 18 year old brother purchased a t1 modem and i have now downloaded two games virtual tennis and tony hawks pro skater 2 i still haven't started selling though by [email protected]
dumb game & movie makers(5:42am est thu jan 18 2001)
i would not have got a mod chip if my old sony would have played imports. (i have lived in the u.k. and canada). but since i got it, it was much easier to burn games that i didn't like too much, but games that i really liked, like resident evil 2, nhl 99, and ctr i did buy. (2 ntsc, 1 pal). but if they had of just got rid of the “imports” rule (like regions on dvd), i wouldn't have any.
same goes for dvd, well sort of. except their region rules are raciest and discriminate based on race and language. if you live in north america, you cannot buy movie dvds in any language other than english, and sometimes spanish and french. so for those million japanese-canadian living in canada, they are out of luck, so they have no choice but to chip or buy a multi-region dvd player, well, unless they want to to buy a dvd player from japan, then a power converter to use it, and another converter to have it play on an ntsc television. (big bucks, pain in ass). they say its for standard reasons, but same could be same for books. if a book over 10 years old still is not available in america, then it seems really dumb to make that book an illegal import from china if that's the only place one can buy it.
as for the dreamcast crack, cause of it, i thought of actually buying a consol which i otherwise would not have. by dave
burning dreamcast games(4:25pm est sun jan 21 2001)
where do i get the fucking games to burn
by chip
download full game for dreamcast(10:08pm est sun jan 21 2001)
where i can download full game for dreamcast???
thx! by y2k
copying of dreamcast games (1:18pm est tue jan 23 2001)
copying of games isnt that hard i mean all you need is a boot cd and the www and a pc burner and your in i mean i have copied cds my friend gave me and by copyright i dont think thats ellegal or burners would be 2 by ryo net
download and copying dc games (7:39am est sun jan 28 2001)
if any one know how to burn dc games or download games for the net please email me thanks by 9th prince
download and copying dc games (7:40am est sun jan 28 2001)
if any one know how to burn dc games or download games for the net please email me thanks
[email protected] by 9th prince
how do u burn dc gams(10:12pm est sun jan 28 2001)
im not going to say please but i do want to know how to burn dc games off the inter net so if u know e-mail me at [email protected] ok thx by vinnie
burning dc games(10:20pm est fri feb 02 2001)
what do i need to burn dc games? by jason lynch
burning dc games(3:00am est mon feb 05 2001)
help, i got the utopia boot disk and the games dont work. do i need software of something if i do can u please send it to me. my email is [email protected] by johnathon
burning dc games(1:11pm est mon feb 05 2001)
can somebody please tell me where and how to get this boot cd and where to go from there?? thanks. answer back my email is [email protected] thanks again by jason
durning dc games(9:58pm est mon feb 05 2001)
can u tell me haw to burn games or tell me what software to download so i can burn games. thanks by willie brown jr
ps2 bootcd(1:51pm est tue feb 06 2001)
is there a ps2 bootcd?
[email protected] by maarten
how do u burn dc games with a burn(12:53am est mon feb 12 2001)
i tryed and i did not work so how do you do it by iceman
how do u burn dc games with a burn(12:55am est mon feb 12 2001)
i tryed and i did not work so how do you do it
my email is [email protected] by iceman
to copy games(2:21pm est tue feb 13 2001)
by 22
to copy games(2:22pm est tue feb 13 2001)
you can't nagga by 22
dr copy(7:13pm est fri feb 16 2001)
thase eny one know how to copy dc games and l need a website plz my e-mail is [email protected] by alaa
how to burn dreamcast games (9:14pm est sun feb 18 2001)
i realy need to know how to burn dreamcasst games . if you know how to or you know a site i can go to .please email me at tottieone@ by oaktown player
burning dreamcast games(3:07pm est thu feb 22 2001)
i need help because i don't want to buy games, so what program do i need to burn dc games. some please respond and help. [email protected] by jason
dc copying using nero(1:42pm est sun feb 25 2001)
i would like to know how to copy already copied dc games using nero is it the same as way psx!!
if ne one can tell me i would be very greatful email me at [email protected] by i dunno
burning dreamcast games(1:52pm est fri mar 02 2001)
will someone please e-mail at [email protected] with information on how to burn dc games. by puggy
how to download a game and burn it(5:34pm est mon mar 05 2001)
i need to know how to download a dreamcast game and then burn it please let me know!! by chino2411
buying copied games(12:38pm est sat mar 10 2001)
does anyone in the uk and preferably the east of uk make and sell copied dreamcast cd's. e-mail me at [email protected] if you do or know anyone who does. thanks by daniel
buying copied games(12:40pm est sat mar 10 2001)
i forgot to mention to include how much they are and to include a list of games. thanks by daniel
fire pro wrestling d(12:42pm est sat mar 10 2001)
does anyone have or can make/get a copy of fire pro wrestling d from, will pay p+p as long as price is not too high. i can get games cheap anyway but can't find this game anywhere. if you can get it or copy it e-mail with the price at [email protected]
thanks by daniel
i got dc games site i just need to know how to burn(5:21pm est sat mar 10 2001)
those who know how to burn won't you reply and you'll know why,before i found out on my own then you wont be any help.so reply fast or you'll wish you had died.
email:[email protected] by discharger2@hotmail.
burning dc games(10:55am est sun mar 11 2001)
i've been trying to find a place to download ripped dc games but i can't find one, if you know of any, plz let me know
p.s. discharger, if it doesn't fit, try overburning by anyang
how to burn dreamcast games(11:57am est thu mar 15 2001)
in order to burn a dreamcast game, just forget about everything youve been told…all you need is a cd burner and a good and fast connection to download the game…the reason most people cant burn a dreamcast game is because the websites which have the information allows certain isp addresses which is like given to friends or something…your best bet is to just ask someone to burn you a game because most people want to keep it a secret and are too selfish to share. that whole nero or gdrom stuff is so bullshit…you can get a regular crappy cd for 49 cents and itll work just fine. but just make sure that you get the 80 minute and 74 minute cds because nba2k1 and marvel vs capcom can fit on a 74 minute cd but games like hfl blitz 2001 and tokyo extreme racer 2 need an 80 minute disk…for some games like tokyo extreme racer 1, you need something called a bootup disk which goes on a 74 minute cd as well…you can try using only 80 minute cds but they cause alot of freezing and slow motion on the dreamcast. by ucsb
copying dreamcast games(7:12pm est sun mar 18 2001)
can anyone tell me in easy steps just how to copy games. what programs do i need to download? where do i go to download games off the internet and how do i copy games that i rent? where do i go to download all the programs i need? if you have any information for me e-mail me [email protected] by steve
dc copying(10:11pm est sun mar 18 2001)
i also need step by step info on how to copy dc games. i have a burner, but i've been having a hard time figuring it out. please help! e-mail to [email protected]. thanks by cb
thick shits!(11:23pm est sun mar 18 2001)
you lot are all fucking cock suckers! dont you know that you can not read gd-roms and burn them with any software! you should look into cable connections so you can read the gd-rom using your dc and map it to your hard drive where you can add an iso patch ready for your burning software such as perfect-copy! by web inthes
where can i get some dc games(4:15pm est tue mar 20 2001)
[email protected] by addicius
playing sega dream on pc rom(8:30pm est thu mar 22 2001)
how do you do it
by marquas
want to burn playstation game but dont know how?(5:39pm est sat mar 24 2001)
can anyone please email me at [email protected] and tell me how to burn the games pppppplllllllleeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssss. by david
i would like to know how to burn dreamcast games(9:50am est sun mar 25 2001)
plz anyone tell me how to burn dreamcast games what site do i go to download these games.my e-mail is [email protected] by gabriel
do u no(10:31am est sun mar 25 2001)
do u no how 2 go on phantasy star online, online with a copied game? some body tell me!!!!!!
(expage.com/bighairywilly is great!) ta
by willy
where to find dc games(1:01am est tue mar 27 2001)
i'd like to know where to get dc games. if u can please e mail me at [email protected]
thanxs by john
how to burn dreamcast games(1:26pm est thu mar 29 2001)
umm…in short you people are hopeless…you cant burn dreamcast games because even with a cable connection, itll take 3 hours to download…if anyone has a t3 connection…email me and i can work sumthin out…most websites with any dreamcast games are run by kids who just open the site to their friends with their isp addresses…if you people are at a lost cause, why dont you just buy the burned games from someone and then make a copy of it and sell the burned copy and make money off of it…its better then always posting how to burn a dreamcast game for weeks when you realize no one is answering…but just asking…anyhow, if anyone has a t3 connection and needs info or burning dreamcast or ps2 games…just email by ucsb
ps2(1:29pm est thu mar 29 2001)
you use a dvd burner for the playstation 2 games right? by limp bisquick
i have t3 connection(9:44am est sat mar 31 2001)
hay i have it and need ur help so if u wanna help me i would like that man thanks by rafie
why you can't easily burn dc games(3:52pm est tue apr 10 2001)
anyone that isn't technologically impared should understand how the gdrom file format works after they read this: read it and then maybe you'll understand why you can't just put a dreamcast game into your cdrom and burn it. by shit outa' luck!!!
please tell me(12:29am est wed apr 11 2001)
can someone please tell me where i can get dreamcast games on the internet. by dion
games(1:17am est sat apr 14 2001)
can u tell me how to get the burned games and where thanx [email protected] by boom0
dc download(1:26pm est sat apr 14 2001)
please some one tell me what web site u can copy dc games,and do u know what to do to copy them. by [email protected]
dreamcast games(11:20am est wed apr 18 2001)
how do you burn dreamcast games
[email protected] by adam
i need to now where can i download dreamcast games (roms)(8:11am est fri apr 20 2001)
please can anyone tell me where can i get dc games (roms) please i have to play it on my pc!!
e-mail to me in
[email protected] by chris
please tell me where i can download iso's(3:20pm est fri apr 20 2001)
please i need to know, i've been searching for ever and seem to be a couple steps late always.
[email protected] please!! by mike
tell me(3:06am est sun apr 29 2001)
tell me how to burn dc games by carlos
retards(10:55pm est sun apr 29 2001)
for all the idiots that think u cant burn dreamcast games i have a message for u!, i have tons of flippin burnt dreamcast games and iam mad chillin with them so shut up! by roboticbear@hotmail.
you peope are pitiful!!!!(10:44am est mon apr 30 2001)
how lame can you get-asking where to get gd roms and how to burn them-this isn't even a message board!!
i can recall burning games back in the day using a boot disk to load them-and had no problems-if ya realy want games search public ftps!!!! by cjproggs
help(4:56am est sat may 12 2001)
please send me the address for a website where i download dc games i have a burner but no games please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by butch
step to burning a dc game(5:08am est sat may 12 2001)
i also have a burner but don't know how to burn dc games can someone tell me some step by step easy step to do so. e-mail me at [email protected] by antwon
how to burn dc games(6:56pm est tue may 15 2001)
bascly u only need a program called nero
that can only burn burnt dc games
u put the game in the burner and let it read when finished it wiil come out then u put the blank cd in and u will have to wait for a while if u wanna burn normal dc games u have to get all these codes and crap
from forest robinson by forest
burnig utopia boot disc(1:23am est wed may 23 2001)
does any body know where to download utopia boot disc, if you do know how pleas tell me easy step by step. if you doe know please e mail me at [email protected] by cesar
dreamcast(12:02pm est thu may 24 2001)
gfhjjhkhgjj by tttt
dc is gone…(10:50am est fri may 25 2001)
most new copied dc games have the boot disk writen to them so u dont have to put the utopia disk in. the games sound track isnt realy worth much if it sucks. i have lots of copied games from this and the easiest place to find them is mirc. i personaly feel cheated by some of the previous systems like sega cd and the 32x so i usualy copy before i buy. as for the cd looking ugly, u can now get the cd covers off the net too. next is playstation 2. which is out on mirc now. by trolliolio
the psx2 mod chip is out(10:55am est fri may 25 2001)
theres a psx2 mod chip out now at
burning these games is a whole nother story. very hard to do. by trolliolio
you peaple sucks ass(2:33am est sat may 26 2001)
all you have to do to burn or make dc games is: first get a cable internet or dsl. then find hackers site which i wont tell you which one but just look for hackers site involving dc. download the game and boom! you done.
easy as one, two, humm… four. by brasileiros rulez
my hell you people are dumb…its not hard(12:21am est sun may 27 2001)
im enjoyin my 25 burnt games….ohh yeah by kernel32
no its not hard…(6:59pm est sun may 27 2001)
but mirc and aol server rooms are the best for it. dsl or cable is a must since the files are fricken huge. have fun:) oh and ur not stupid if u dont know how to do it, ur stupid if u know how to do it and cant. by trolliolio
how do you copy dc games with nero(3:22pm est wed may 30 2001)
does anybody know how to copy dc games using nero. i have it but don't know how to copy dc games. can anybody help me. if u can e-mail me at [email protected] please by rey
loader cd for dreamcast(7:31pm est thu may 31 2001)
i need to the program to download the loader cd so i can burn dreamcast games and it will work…if u have the program aswer me by jake parker
exist from a dc burn program?(12:29am est fri jun 01 2001)
can somebody please tell me where to get e dc burn program? by cody
u cant just burn them(12:37am est fri jun 01 2001)
u cant just burn dc games. u have to rip them first. and that requires u to take out certain parts of the game like the sound and some movies so the gd rom will fit on a reguar cd. i sugest getting echelons boot tutorial and then binhack2.exe program. u can look for these with a basic search engin like yahoo. from then on u have to learn how to rip the suckers. using neros the easy part. by trolliolio
u all are idiots!(6:28pm est fri jun 01 2001)
you guys are idiots, you cant burn dreamcast games, but u can burn psx games, nero is a piece of shit, so for u fags out there with nero u are fucking screwed, there isnt anyway you can copy them, they are to fucking big for a regular cd! so forget it!!!! by asshole
someone help(6:53pm est sat jun 02 2001)
if u know how to burn dc games can u please email me at [email protected] and tell me how….i'll find the program….and if u can please tell me the settings to put on the program…..thank u in advance by wetback
erew(11:27am est tue jun 05 2001)
whdiuoqdfhw a by allen
burning dreamcast games(5:35pm est tue jun 05 2001)
hello, i would like to know how to burn dreamcast games and what i need to do it. i live on a farm and if you decide to give me this info and software i will give you a lifetime supply of hot dogs email me at [email protected]
by kyle
burning dreamcast games(8:06pm est sat jun 09 2001)
please tell me how to burn dreamcast game and my email address is [email protected] by tim
nuts(9:57am est sun jun 10 2001)
all of you are crazy! dreamcast is dead! do you get the point people? i guess not. this is a scientist logging off! by science wiz
theres a leson to be learned from dc(12:29am est tue jun 12 2001)
the same way u rip and burn dc games u rip ps2 games. the dc may be dead but theres still much to learn from it. by trolliolio
give me dreacast roms (4:02pm est fri jun 15 2001)
i really can't find any roms
please give some sites please.
email me @ [email protected] by give me some sitesgh
give me dreacast roms (4:03pm est fri jun 15 2001)
i really can't find any roms
please give some sites please.
email me @ [email protected] by terry
no dc roms…(6:28pm est mon jun 18 2001)
far as i know there are no roms and emulators for the dc, like the nintendo/sega/snes roms and emulators. if thats what ur talking about. bleem i know does regular ps, but as for dreamcast i dont know. by trolliolio
how to burn dc games(10:11pm est mon jun 18 2001)
i was just wondering how to burn dreamcast games.my friends have dc games that i dont have but want to burn.also i have a utopia boot disk version 1.1 and a burnt game but my friend burnt the game and i still havnt found out how also i dont have a burner i have computer burner it like a burner but its built into my modem.there are so many games out there i want to rent and burn but i dont know how too if there is anybody out there who can help me please!!!!help!!!!me!!!!my email adress is [email protected] by [email protected]
hold it!! (4:35am est tue jun 19 2001)
ok im not trying to burn any dreamcast games.i know how, but im just wondering why densha de go!2 doesnt work with the utopia boot disk,because all of the rest of my imports work.does any one know if there is a different disk or somthing because i paid money for the game and speicial controller and i would like to play it with out having to buy a japanese dreamcast. by the way territory lock out is the dumbest thing ever!
by poopoo
here! here! here! dreamcast games(10:42pm est wed jun 20 2001)
this is what u call iso's for dreamcast!it's just like the real thing come to this site but you must email me to get the site! if u are paying attention when u email me i will give you the special site,but you must support the site to get more games ok!!!!
heres my email [email protected] by john
dc fucken wont run any of my burnt games no more- dodgy dc(3:55am est fri jun 22 2001)
my dc wont run the bootup or any of my self bootable games …
and by the way….. no console can stop piracy no matter how much they try like gdroms
the 31331 h4x0rs will always find a way around it
go to for the links to rip the dc games…u need the broadwidth adapter to copy dc games @ speeds of 1mb/s to ya hdd
so thats around by 31331 console hacker
www.dcemulators.com(3:59am est fri jun 22 2001)
go to for dc emulators
but they fuckin suk coz shite graphics !!!!!!
i h8 all fuckin snes and megadrive shit
most ppl didnt buy a dc to play fuckin 8bit and 16bit shit graphics
pc rox… my geforce 3 fuckin owns any console that will ever come out … suk my dik u fukin fagets…….
by the way after like a year your dc wont run burnt dc games or self bootables games like the 31331 hacker said
i goin to sell my dc b4 it fucks up
dc's are so dodgy
u guys got gyyped buyin a dc instead of a ps2 by console h8er
to burn dc games…(4:08am est fri jun 22 2001)
1. get a nexus mem card
2. get a dc broadbandwidth adapter
3. buy a dc coders cable from
4. buy a special yamaha gd/cd-rom
and get the software @ megagames.com (well the link of the site) to copy em
the cracks to are at megagames.com too …
plus then use discjuggler or cdrwin3.8 to burn em and viola
most of my burnt games work better than my real ones….
there are thousands of dc games on the net ….
like virtua cop 2 for dc is 10-20mb to download
30min on 56k modem or a min or 2 on cable…
ps2 games are even easier to burn aswell…
but everyfink is possible to pirate in this world
dont sell fuckin burnt dc games or sega will be onto u ya cunts
just use em for private use…
i got over 150+ dc games
and my fuckin dc wont read burnt games anymore
fuckin dodgy dc ………
my advice is to smash/sell ya dc b4 it stops readin burnt games
any1 on a t3 want to serve dc games for my mates
by t3 needed for leech
burning games(1:41pm est sun jul 01 2001)
i need to know where to go and find the software to be able to burn a game. please let me know.
email me at [email protected]
by jamie
how?!?!?!?!?!(11:38am est wed jul 04 2001)
how do i copy dc games what programs do i need and where do i get them….if you know plz plz plz tell me
by david
burning dreamcast games(11:43am est wed jul 04 2001)
i need to know how to burn dreamcast games…i have a burner, and games to burn….but all i need know it to know who to burn the games.
if you know how to please submit how to and the websites where i need to download the software. by game freak
need help burning dc games?????(12:23pm est fri jul 06 2001)
can you tell me how i should copy my dc games so that they work with the utopia boot cd? should i nero or disk juggler if so could you tell me the correct settings please email me at [email protected] by homer j. simpson
help(11:40pm est sat jul 07 2001)
every time i burn a game from my friends it does not work so please help me to get away of this problem
and please in the of the lord help me find a site
that is a freegames segadreamcast that you does not pay by stephen
get a life(1:19pm est fri jul 13 2001)
every think about reading the damn internet about
burning dc games instead of asking everyone that read hours of info to do what you want to do. by jimbo
getting a free boot disc and games(9:52pm est fri jul 13 2001)
if anyone knows a site where i can download a free boot disc and free games please e mail me at [email protected] by david

Dreamcast Utopia Boot Disc

if anyone needs any help in copying dreamcast games email me (3:53am est sat jul 14 2001)
if all u newbies need some help on copying dreamcast games come to me and ill help u out cuz i remember when i was a newbie too. -) email me at [email protected]
and to those of u who are saying u feel better by buying the game are retards. u only say that cuz u dont kno how to bootleg shit and just hatin on the people who get there shit 4 free like me :-) by copykat
if i get 2 many emails jus chill and ull get a response(3:55am est sat jul 14 2001)
the title explains it all by copykat
dc games run great ! (5:17am est thu jul 26 2001)
all copied games i tried , were running great ! by xtc
i want to know(10:50pm est thu jul 26 2001)
i what to know how to get the instruction to how to download dc games. by [email protected]
ba(4:49am est sat jul 28 2001)
ce by ta
how to burn dc games(6:32pm est sat jul 28 2001)
how can i burn dreamcast games? by jfajardo858@hotmail.
dreamcast games(9:46pm est tue jul 31 2001)
go to dcemulation.com to dl games and put them on your dreamcast by miker
how to copy psx stuff(8:06pm est sun aug 12 2001)
can anyone tell me how to copy psx games and where to download them at and how to copy them on nero and how to copy psx boot disc on nero????
email me at [email protected]
by luke
games(2:48pm est tue aug 14 2001)
were do you get games to down load free by simon
dc, psx, psx2 ???(9:47pm est wed aug 22 2001)
can someone e-mail me step-by-step on how to use nero burn 5.0 to burn dc, psx, psx2
the real way by follow the leader
dear dumb shits –(5:56am est fri aug 24 2001)
no one in there right minds will put dc games on any public site. it is illegal to copy games. the people that do have dc games online, and open to everyone you will never find. the sites that do have dc game are so underground that you will never find them. the only way you will ever get free dc games is if you ftp people in mirc (it takes for ever) or you know someone that works for sega. by noodlez
i really need help on how to burn and play psx games(1:11am est sat sep 08 2001)
i have searched all over the internet looking for ways to burn and play psx games and all ive gotten is false hopes and lies. if someone that is really good at this stuff please email me, i would be happy
my email is: [email protected] by tycoope
games(6:45pm est tue sep 11 2001)
does anyone have a list of games that work on utopia bootdisk v1.1??????????? please e-mail me!!!!!!
[email protected] by rob
how can i burn games (4:30pm est sun sep 16 2001)
do i suppose to get games off the net or do i need more software
sorry for incorrect spelling
by by devon
???(4:33pm est sun sep 16 2001)
where do i get boot disk? by by devon
nes games(7:33pm est tue sep 18 2001)
i was just wondering if there is such a thing to be able to burn nes games if some one knows how cool put it on the site. by chance
dc(2:52pm est wed sep 19 2001)
alguien me puede decir como copiar juegos de dc
uin saludo by unai
snes games(5:00pm est mon oct 01 2001)
i remember seeing something about a snes emulator for dreamcast, i dont remeber what site it was at or anything, but now that i think about it, it sounds pretty cool. if anyones bored, they could try to find something about it, just wanted to let you all know. oh, and i have a question too, when you buy a bleemcast, does it have to work with only the game that you bought it for? like a gt2 bleemcast will only work with gt2? thanx for any help! :) by emotional guy
dreamcast games(4:37pm est fri oct 12 2001)
can you e-mail me the site.
for where to download dreamcast games.
dreamcast system(8:27am est mon oct 15 2001)
is there a boot that allow the dreamcast to play dvd cds. by larrt
dreamcast games(3:56pm est thu oct 18 2001)
i need something that i can put in my dreamcast that will let me play copied games what do i need please help by bob
direct connect(10:07pm est mon oct 22 2001)
direct connect
by mac
looking for download 4 dc boot cd(6:47am est fri oct 26 2001)
new to all of this, could use a little help from anyone willing.thanx
[email protected] by lanita
help(10:35pm est wed oct 31 2001)
please tell me how i can burn dc games i need to know by timmydogs12hotmail
dreamcast covers (11:16am est wed nov 14 2001)
could someone tell me wgere to get dc covers from if so please e-mail me at [email protected] by jonny
[email protected] (4:36pm est thu nov 15 2001)
please someone tell me where to get the copying software and how to copy dc games. by mike
burn and copy(8:32pm est fri nov 16 2001)
how do i burn playstation 2,dreamcast,and xbox video games.and what are some of the websites to
do burn them by anthony
i do not know what to do(11:15am est sat nov 24 2001)
ok i have the doot desk so wa do i do now where d i get the games from can i just take the game an burn it or do i need more software i do not know what to do i have a burned copy of capcam vs snk2 and i do not need a boot desk to play it why is that so if anyone can tell me where i go to get the games from tell me please and if anyone want to buy capcom vs snk2 tell me hi me at [email protected] by sexyblkman615aol.com
prices(8:05pm est sun nov 25 2001)
dont games comapanys get it the reason that pirating is around are they so blind in england i can pick up a blank cd for 20 pence thats is very cheap its no where near a pound rent the game i want and copy it for next to nothing!!! people charge £3 for copyed psx, and dc games and they make the money because they are selling them at an affordable price, $3.6 billion is allot of money to lose but what the hell do they need 3.6billion for anyway they could use that profit to reduce the costs of games one games are cheaper people will rather have an offical copy than a £3 pirate but yet i just paid £45 for 1 game which i completed in 2 days i mean come on seriously you wonder why we pirate games because its easy and cheap game companys do yourselves a foavor charge at a mmaximum $20. thats £10 – £15 and you will make the money back otherwise long live pirates! by malkavian
please read this and tell me how to burn dreamcast game(10:44pm est mon dec 03 2001)
i jus want to know where you burn dreamcast games at. by [email protected]
what page of the net haves dreamcast games(6:24pm est fri dec 07 2001)
please by omar
what page of the net haves dreamcast games(6:25pm est fri dec 07 2001)
please [email protected] by omar
can dreamcast play genesis games(12:43am est sat dec 08 2001)
does anyone know if there is a way to burn genesis games on cdr so that you can play them on dreamcast email [email protected] please
by aaron
finding dreamcast games is easy!(2:36pm est wed dec 12 2001)
search google for dreamcast warez or message boards. when you find one, join and start downloading. you will need smart ftp,a fast internet connection, and disc juggler 3. with enough research it's a no-brainer. i have about 150 games now, and i've been doing this on and off for about a year and a half. good luck! by deeps500
útópéá(3:36pm est thu dec 13 2001)
its free from all decent drcast sites you need nero or discjuggler to use it
so until later kiis my ass by dc_mán_útópéá
playstation2 boot up disc(3:16pm est wed dec 26 2001)
my friend got tha dreamcast and he tells me that u could play bootleg games on it(i ain't believe him tho)and play movies and i really did'nt believe it, but when i seen him play tha bootleg games and movies i was like oh s##t.tha thing is he told me all u need is a boot disc,i wanna know if there is a boot disc for the playstation2 that works tha same way wit out a mod chip or anything.i got to know if anybody knows how to download this program let me know [email protected] by midget”
playstation2 boot up disk info(4:23pm est fri dec 28 2001)
go here to read about the bootdisk for ps2 by webby
copying dc games(1:36pm est sat jan 12 2002)
please e-mail me on how to copy dc games at [email protected] by chad
software to get dreamcast games(9:35pm est mon jan 28 2002)
i would like to know where you get the software or files for the dreamcast games you burn on a cd
e-mail me at [email protected] by tyler
ps2 dvd copy(2:37pm est thu jan 31 2002)
how can i copy a dvd movie do play it on ps2?
mail to: [email protected] by kumo
tony hawks 3(11:53pm est fri feb 08 2002)
hey all if anyone has a full version of tony hawks 3 that i can download for free that would be sooo nice of you and i would seriously love you forever! my email is [email protected]
oh! and if anyojne knows where i could get it from i would luv em too *giggles* ok thanks bye by britney
burning sega dreamcast cd's(3:58pm est wed feb 13 2002)
how can i get info on how to burn dreamcast cd's?? software??? i already have a burner and adaptec software. i recently purchased a dreamcast and the cd's were copies so i know it can be done. does anyone have any info??? thanks raul by raul
burning sega dreamcast cd's (3:59pm est wed feb 13 2002)
how can i get info on how to burn dreamcast cd's?? software??? i already have a burner and adaptec software. i recently purchased a dreamcast and the cd's were copies so i know it can be done. does anyone have any info??? thanks raul by [email protected]
how to burn sega dreamcast cd's(4:01pm est wed feb 13 2002)
how can i get info on how to burn dreamcast cd's?? software??? i already have a burner and adaptec software. i recently purchased a dreamcast and the cd's were copies so i know it can be done. does anyone have any info??? thanks raul by [email protected]
jajaja(11:58pm est sat mar 02 2002)
i know how burn dc isoz if it is cdi eat it nero eat it bin eat it. there by fajaja
how do i play imported games(10:32pm est thu mar 21 2002)
i bought a game out of austria but my dreamcast won't recognize it,the only part it does is the part where it says this is a dreamcast disk and it only works in a dreamcast system. someone please help me. by [email protected]
burning dc games(12:48pm est mon apr 01 2002)
first, you buy the game.
then, you open it.
next, you stick it in the toaster for three mins.
finally, you have your burnt game.
just kidding,
first, you d/l discjuggler – and click on dreamcast.) by mr. funny
mod chip(1:35pm est thu apr 04 2002)
i need a mod chip for my playstation or sum way 4 my ps1 to read burnt games get back to me by c_money
mod chip(1:39pm est thu apr 04 2002)
e-mail me at:
[email protected] about the chip 4 my ps1 and id be willing to pay ^wards of about 15-20 dollars by c_money
peace out(1:40pm est thu apr 04 2002)
peace out
>by c_money
how and where(2:41am est fri apr 12 2002)
>where can i download roms of nightmare
>some one can tell me
>where is the roms by hahaha
getting boot disc for psx and dc and getting the rareist import game (8:54am est thu apr 18 2002)
you can get dc and psx boot disc and a lot of programs to burn them at dccopyworld.com and some weaak isos there but i dont think that they wont work and to get the 3 most rare games for psx is yahoo then type the search psx dragon ball gt final bout iso download then hit enter then it will give you a list of sites click on playstsion and read forum carefully and some people should tell that they have those 3 rare games to download and those games are worth big cheese when you burn then on to a cd like 50 to 60 bucks but dont sell them thats illegal so be careful by miles
tony hawk 3 and others(9:11am est thu apr 18 2002)
i have tony hawk 3 but i dont know how to transfer it to you people out there who wonts it to download or what ever so i could help some of you guys out there but i only have it for psx not psx2 my friend has it for psx2 but not me and you need a dvd blank cd to burn it because its capasity is very high on its giga bytes and if you know hot to transfer to other computers e-mail me at [email protected] by miles
help(3:42pm est mon apr 29 2002)
can u tell me where i can get something to download dc games from the internet on to my e: drive
[email protected] by sartaj
here's a website (1:36pm est tue apr 30 2002)
no docks on burning dc iso's.
they're against it. by p!
utopia bootcd image(11:57pm est sat may 25 2002)
could anyone tells me where i can download the utopia bootcd image for the dreamcast system.
by topstreetsk8er@yahoo
dc(11:38pm est tue jun 04 2002)
i heard someone say dc games that are pirated play slow. i have over 100 games and very rarely do i run across one that is slow, maybe a little slower to load. but i wouldn't know how fast the real games load b/c i will never pay 40 bucks for one. game money is now weed money by sa01
psone mode(9:30pm est sun jul 07 2002)
in the box of gameshark2 there is another cd which is called code archive disc.there is also a manual book which says put playstation2 in psone mode if i do this ,the codes could work. my problem is where do i put it in psone mode or where do i change it in order to work? by bob
assholes(11:58am est mon jul 29 2002)
*im sick of all the assholes who say to burn a cd *you need to stick it in a toaster or light it on *fire. you know what someone means when they
*say “burn” a cd. stop crowding the page with all *your lame jokes!!!!!!
*someone should stick you in a toaster for a few *days
************** by me
soft wear for dream cast(8:46pm est tue aug 06 2002)
could someone please tell me were to find the softwear for burning dream cast games if so send reply to [email protected] thank you by igie
can sum1 plz tell me a site where i can download dc games 2 burn(9:37pm est wed aug 21 2002)
sum1 plz tell me a site with isos or ftps 4 dc games plz my e-mail is [email protected] by daniel
u all suck(9:57am est sat aug 24 2002)
truly, u all r geekz! get urself a life… cocksuckers! by matz
hi..about burn a dreamcast game(3:23pm est sat sep 07 2002)
i have nero 5590. and i want to copy a dreamcast game. i borrow my friend game. i have wasted about 12 disc but came out nothing. so please help me how to do his. please email me at
[email protected] by chris
where to get dreamcast boot cd(12:58am est sat dec 21 2002)
if you have kazaa then you can find the dreamcast boot cd there. can't find any games on kazaa. by kazaa user
download dc,ps2,xbox, games here (6:53pm est thu mar 13 2003)
download dreamcast games directly from: by nonaya damn. buzines
you are a bunch of dumbasses(7:08pm est thu mar 13 2003)
1.you cant burn most dc games a.too big b.they will take too long to download c.extremley hard to find!most are found in exremley underground.net sites d.if you have a network cable it is very complicated and hard :your only hope is borrowing a burned game and burning it with clone,nero ,or, on my website oterwebsiteisfakeshithead.com by nonaya damn. buzines
i dun know (3:44pm est fri apr 18 2003)
hia i m gizbo i m not a geek and all you geeks out there can kiss my fuzzy non geeky butt! by gizbo
hia its gizbo again!(3:53pm est fri apr 18 2003)
hia geekz!s you are geekz! who cares about stupid computer games it is all a load of crap! i think that you only play theese stupid pointless games and such cause you are geeks! get a friggen life, make some friends! go to the friggen mall for goodness sake, dont just sit there on your geeky computers, hanging with you geeky friends, in your geeky life! by gizbo
geek for gizbo(9:21am est sun sep 21 2003)
make friends. but dont hang out with you geek friends? go to the mall. what next join a fucking frat. the world would be a better place if people would stop worring about what other people are doing and mind your own fucking business. bsides think of how much shit we would not have if it was not for geeks like my self.
love mother earth kill a frat boy by geekcorerob
about dc's gd-rom(4:01pm est wed dec 24 2003)
there is a way to copy dc games, but it needs the dcpc link. i haven't built one because of the financial situation i'm in (i'm poor as hell!). but, the gd-roms are no more than a regular cd-rom, but instead it's only burned as speed x/y where as y = 2. see what i'm getting at???
any way, i'm working on a link that'll allow me to communicate with my dc through the modem in it to my pc's lpt1 port. if anyone knows anything about copying dc games, e-mail me!!! [email protected] by mr.grimm
i would like to burn dreamcast games(1:42pm est wed jan 14 2004)
if some one could in form me on how to do so my e mail address is [email protected]
thnank you by pj
my mate can run copied games and i cant(5:41pm est tue may 04 2004)
my mates dc can run copied games. hes done nothing to it. mine loads them but the screen is all over the place. can anyone help me out? by mr joe
gizbo you w**ker(7:33am est wed may 05 2004)
gizbo you are a complete w**ker but i guess your fuzzy yanky butt dosnt even know what that is. perhaps if you learnt to speak english you would. i happen to make my own 2d games and i consider that making lives. besides when i go out i go to a pub or do something else half decent not hanging around a bunch of sodding shops. you may have a life but have you got a mind. by mr joe
dream cast (12:28am est sun aug 29 2004)
tell me where to get wat i need for dreamcast burns [email protected] by flood
ddc(8:12pm est thu oct 14 2004)
ffgdfgdfgdfgdfgdgdfgdfgg by dgd
hmmmm(10:27am est fri oct 15 2004)
can u copy them w/ a normal cd burner? by con online
utopia boot loader(12:02am est sat oct 16 2004)
where can i find one??? e-mail me at [email protected] by gto
lame asses(7:49pm est mon nov 29 2004)
i gots a shit load of burned games for my dc, well not a shit load but 17 of them. and they all work fine. i also have emulators for nes, snes, sega, colecovision, mamed, and game boy. im working on 64 and playstation emulators too but havent gotten there yet. by noface
tell me how to burned dc games wight now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(8:43pm est fri dec 03 2004)
tell me right know!!!1 by ????
all your q's answered!(9:31am est tue dec 21 2004)
ok! here we go … step 1 u need a boot disk for ur dreamcast which u download from the net its called the utopia boot disk v1.1 just search google and u'll find it. burn the image to a disk at 1x speed and u now have a boot disk. step 2 download dreamcast games from any p2p client, the best ones are emule and dc++ just search google again and dload em. step 3 download ur games from either of the programs. step 4 once its dloaded burn the image of the game onto a cd with disk juggler (search google again) program at 1x speed. step 5 load the boot disk into ur dreamcast and then when it tells u … insert ur game. the end :) by anime god
me again!(9:37am est tue dec 21 2004)
oh yeah i forgot … if u have an original dreamcast game that u wanna copy, then use the disk juggler program again to copy the game onto a blank cd … there i think thats all ur q's answered .. wow how hard was that? *yawns*
p.s some games u dload are “self boot” games that dont need a boot disk to run … u just insert em into ur dreamcast and play :) now i'm off to play on my ps2 bye! by anime god
visual memory card for sega dreamcase(4:27pm est sat jan 22 2005)
can anyone help me. i am having trouble with my visual memory card. i have saved on brand new memory card and when i press button on controller to play it is not loading saved info it just starts at the beginning of the game i am playing. what am i doing wrong. thanks for any help. by bullet
dreamcast games(12:19pm est sun feb 27 2005)
how can i buy burnt games for dreamcast by timmy
electronics dick smith(4:05am est tue mar 08 2005)
by f-f-r-electronics-di
burning dc games(3:18pm est thu mar 31 2005)
you will need alcohol 120% or discjuggler and a cd burner. i use alcohol 120% it easier.. download your “self-booting” game open with alcohol 120% burn as raw sao… then you will need no boot disk… i have the boot disk and i burn the games like that and they always work. at least for me they do…
[email protected] by skowt
lame(5:31pm est thu mar 31 2005)
you guys are fucking retarted pitiful!
“pleese help me burn gamez”
go learn about it. and if you “buy” burned dreamcast games, you are an idiot. by you are all pathetic
get your psx here(7:46am est mon may 02 2005)
.rar password is: unix-psx
best place for playstation games. by unix-psx
dreamcast(8:45pm est tue may 17 2005)
i have games on my computer and i want to copy them to a disk and be able to play the games on my dreamcast can any one please tell me how to do this like if i need a code or something get back to me at [email protected] thank you by seth ward
god damn idiots (3:28pm est tue may 31 2005)
buy the games u cheap bastards by chris
dream cast(6:40am est sat jun 25 2005)
how i can play the dreamcast game on my personal computer and how i can get the cd boot for dreamcast if i need it by salah
pc dreamcast(7:55pm est sat jun 25 2005)
look for a program called chankast thisis the pc emulator you want. just look on google, and then read the manuals and the faqs for everyhting you need by davemate
ohw to download dreamcast games(11:46am est tue jun 28 2005)
i need to now to download off the internet by yoa momma
how to burn dreamcast cd(12:10pm est wed jul 20 2005)
pls give me detailed info on how to burn dreamcast cds by kelvin
where exactly do u buy dc games(9:52am est sat jul 23 2005)
dc games a very hard 2 find if u can tell me a store 2 but dem from i will go an buy them by unknown
what a bunch of losers(11:32am est sat aug 13 2005)
this whole thread is crap i must say i feel about 20% dumber for spending 10 mins skim reading a bunch of morons saying “how do i burn dc games” and “where do i get dc games from”.
this thread has been open for 5 years now!!! look on ebay you can get original dc games now for less then â£5 its so much less hassle than trying to find and download them, let alone burn them.
so everyone get a life and drop this, the dreamcast is dead move on. by pete
stupid(11:34am est sat aug 13 2005)
we should point this discussion/thread in the direction of some law enforcement as there is a lovely amount of email addresses of people that quite openly admit that they download games which means no doubt they download other illegal content. i also download games but i'm not dumb enough to leave any personal information around so i can be tracked. by pete
:)(6:37pm est mon aug 15 2005)
hey pete you just left you ipnumber here
by gysa
cool.(1:55pm est thu aug 18 2005)
soul calibur and powerstone 2 run pretty well on chankast :-).even with my crappy amd athlon xp 3000+ geforce fx 5200 512mb ddr ram.everyone just download the selfbootable games and they should work…
burning dc games (3:18pm est thu mar 31 2005)
you will need alcohol 120% or discjuggler and a cd burner. i use alcohol 120% it easier.. download your “self-booting” game open with alcohol 120% burn as raw sao… then you will need no boot disk… i have the boot disk and i burn the games like that and they always work. at least for me they do…
by dumbcast
marvel vs capcom 2 emu(12:54pm est sat sep 17 2005)
i want to know if theres a way i can play marvel vs capcom 2 on my computer please help me
thanks by hector
plz help(8:25pm est fri sep 30 2005)
i have the japenese version of a game as i need an “import loader” to play it…. how do i get oe and how do i burn itto cd with my pc? by justin le mmon
sega cd(5:57pm est sat oct 22 2005)
i was been trying to find a way to burn sega cd and dreamcast games, cause i bought a game and it was a burned one. for sega cd can someone email me and help me [email protected] by shining force
all the answers part 2(11:15am est tue nov 01 2005)
copying a dreamcast game :
1.enter your dreamcast game into your drive.
2.open up dvd decryter (please all newbs never select the desinition folder and lose the iso so select the folder where the iso goes to when finsihed!!!)
3.select on top mode > iso > read
4. may take awhile depending on the speed of your pc and how big the game is. when finished open up alcohol 120%.
5. click image burning wizard on the left
6.enter blank cd-r and take your game out.
7.click next and select 1x righting speed or the lowest the clcik start.
8.bam… play your games. just enter into the dc with nothing else.
playing vcd's in your dreamcast :
the dreamcast can read vcd's if there in a certain form please on the bottom im me or email me for futher instructions. if you seen about this on a site the proly wanted you to buy something like a disc and a remote well i got a program where you enter your move then burn with no remote.simple plain easy and free…. and if your like me you will love free ) by will
sdgdfg(11:19am est tue nov 01 2005)
gdfg by dfgd
all the answers part 1(11:20am est tue nov 01 2005)
here's what you will need to burn dreamcast games :
2.cd burner
3.blank cd-r disc (cd-rw will not work)
4.bitlord www.bitlord.com
5.alcohol 120% www.alcohol-software.com get alcohol 120% not 52%
6.dvd decryter this can be used for a lot more than dc games :) (this is a great program for making iso and removing all sercurtiy protections by will
hi(1:16am est fri nov 25 2005)
can u please tell me how to burn dc games or what program do i need to have to download dc games… by tenzin
bootdisk for ps2 small(3:50pm est thu dec 01 2005)
where i can download for my small playstation 2 a bootdisk software! please call me or send an email! [email protected]
thx to alll by by wolfi
gamblint(4:30am est sat dec 24 2005)
listen asshole he growled its about time i taught you a lesson int gas station – bathroom. by sadie cecelia
jesus(5:31am est tue jan 17 2006)
what a whiny bunch of cockendsa by timmy!
jesus(5:31am est tue jan 17 2006)
what a whiny bunch of cockends by timmy!
hehe(12:44am est thu jan 26 2006)
:) by butts
this forum starts from 1999 to 2006(8:49pm est sat feb 04 2006)
this might be a guines world record by omg
rip, burn n zip(9:04pm est tue feb 21 2006)
how do you rip a cd… apply pressure in two different directions across a given point on the perimeter. then burn it using toaster v 1.3. then unzip the files via the program :leg trouserx by disruptor1664
ehhhhhhh!(5:41am est mon feb 27 2006)
where the fuck is my comment by randy orton
t5wb6enjw76nj(8:42am est fri mar 03 2006)
dh wehfwegbfcjwehnfheloo by dcfrrefgtrbhgfecnd
jesus(8:43am est fri mar 03 2006)
all ma brothers testify!!! by d-von
yo pokemon gotta catch em all(8:45am est fri mar 03 2006)
does anyone like pokemon cos i think it is propa bo! so does pokemon rule or wat someone reply. if any geeks out there wanna talk about pokemon by picachu
sex (8:46am est fri mar 03 2006)
sexy by sex
sexmister(8:47am est fri mar 03 2006)
that wa a sex test lol by lmfao
yty(8:48am est fri mar 03 2006)
y is he sayin all tht by yty
lol (8:52am est fri mar 03 2006)
u f***ing no me u stupid bast*rd we in uk the usa sucks* cockkkkk**!!! by u think uy know me ?
brokeback mountain(4:25am est mon mar 20 2006)
brokeback mountain is about 2 g a y cowboys a bet ya dint know that. and rebecca and rosie are obsesed abart it lol by harry(rebecca)
downloaded games(10:34am est mon mar 20 2006)
i have recently downloaded a game from bitlord now i dont no how to copy it all i want todo is play the game can any one out there help me please i would be most grateful by brandon
game ha ha ha(4:35am est tue mar 21 2006)
u suck at computers lmao and u call yourself a geek its obvious your not a true geek or u would know how to copy games and how to play games ha ha ha u cant play your game ha ha ha ha ha ha. ah well your not gonna get it from me!!! lmao u so stupid i cant get over it! brandon u are not a geek please leave the website. ano why u are stupid it's cos your from u.s.a also u nicked r language u g a y! by james smith
copy dreamcast! (12:39pm est tue apr 04 2006)
try this link #orderin
i have not tried but the company claims to be able to “copy virtually any video game!” the company name is game copy pro. for $29.95 usd you can download the software. try by nonameneeded
yea(1:50am est mon apr 17 2006)
you know what sega is just the best fuck sony okay im gonna stick it to them now trhat i went to college am goon a give it to them from 1995 to god puts me to sleep by tony carraza
poo(2:17pm est tue apr 18 2006)
long live the 360! by werzel gummage
ps2 help!!(5:14pm est thu apr 27 2006)
i just copy one rpg game to a dvd-r at 1x but it doesn' start in the ps2. can someone tell me why?and what to do?and what's the best program to burn a cd at 1x?tkx!!! by confused girl
re: ps2 help!!!(4:15pm est wed may 17 2006)
confused girl,
the ps2 purposely burns errors into legitimate copy's of their games, errors which an ordinary burner can't handle.
so, in other words, you can't do a simple backup and pop it in.
the only ways are to:
a. get a modchip
b. swapmagic + magicswitch/slide card (you can't download them because again, they need the bad errors which we can't do, you must buy the copy)
magicswitch or slide card makes the ps2 not realize the tray is open and, when swapmagic is booted up, you remove the swapmagic disk using the magicswitch or slide card and input the backup copy. since the ps2 doesn't realize the tray has been opened it doesn't check the bad sectors again thus allowing the backup. by ghostparty
xbox 360?(5:05pm est fri jun 30 2006)
what a piece of crap. screw microsoft.
screw sony and the ps3 too.
sega was cool. and all you suck asses ruined it. by not buying the games! by i weep for the futur
do you agree with cloning?(6:54am est sun jul 30 2006)
whats your opinion?well anyways as for me i think its a bad idea.and definately dont agree with it well anyways i wanna know your opinion.
thankz! by *kvt'fynest**

Dreamcast Utopia

who is better aussies or fobz?(7:00am est sun jul 30 2006)
hey people'z vote hu is tha best!
aussiez or fobbiez!? lol by uknown kokonut

Dreamcast Boot Disc Iso Download Windows 7

stop making up a new language!(2:22pm est thu aug 03 2006)
whats a fobbiez ? by disruptor1664
help me(8:06pm est tue aug 08 2006)
i recently brought 4 games from a guy for my ps2 (ford vs chevy,winning eleven, street v3, and driver: parallel lines). i was told by the guy that i can program my ps2 to play these games with out a mod chip…but i dont know how. t hey worked perfect in his ps2, but they wont work in mine. can some one please help me? by phokuzt
4×4 evolution for dreamcast(11:25am est tue aug 15 2006)
this game was given to my kids as a gift. the only difference i see on the label is that it is powered by windows ce. the game won't go past the windows ce logo. in other words it won't start. is the disk for a pc only or is it supposed to work on a dreamcast console? please e-mail me at [email protected]
by joe

Dreamcast Boot Disc Iso Download Torrent

dreamcast burnt games(3:13pm est tue aug 29 2006)
can someone tell me a site to get burnt dreamcast games so i can download them
[email protected] by brent golden
123(10:33pm est thu sep 21 2006)
go to bitlord . com youll find a bunch of games there.
by no1nozme

Dreamcast Boot Disc Iso Download Windows 10

to whome it may concern(1:19pm est tue sep 26 2006)
i just spent the last half hour or so reading all this crap. i really hope this works. if i can't get games that work after all this i'm coming back to put my foot up yo' ass by your daddy